Due for Workflow

Posted by on Wednesday 15th of April 7:55 AM

{% img center /images/2015-04-15-due-for-workflow_get-workflow.jpg 460 334 'Due workflow' %}

This is my Due workflow for the Workflow iOS app. I use one-off timers for laundry and meditation. Don't even think about laughing!

I hope you're pleased that I've laid out this post the same way the work… flows[^flows].

{% img center /images/2015-04-15-due-for-workflow_workflow-screenshot-choose-menu.jpg 460 'Choose menu' %}


{% img center /images/2015-04-15-due-for-workflow_workflow-screenshot-laundry.jpg 460 'Laundry' %}

The laundry timer is really just a straight forward one-off Due timer. It asks for the time of your current program, and sets a timer based on it with the title "Laundry". It uses your default timer settings.

I would suggest that you set the default answer to your usual program of the washing machine. This way it's a little more comfortable to use. You can also just put a text action there, if you never want to be asked, and create a timer without confirmation.


{% img center /images/2015-04-15-due-for-workflow_workflow-screenshot-meditate.jpg 460 'Meditate' %}

For my meditation settings I'd like to create a running log file. At the moment I put everything into Day One but it's very easy to also create a new text file in Dropbox instead.

Get Workflow

Download the workflow.


I use the default European date format dd. mm. yyyy HH:MM. Set this to your preferred date format and it will be used in the Day One entry. The action uses the date string format aka RFC2822.

[^flows]: I have to stop to make these bad jokes.